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Spanish, Italian & Portuguese
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News & Events
The Spanish Pacific, 1521-1815, Volume 2
Ricardo Padrón
Amsterdam University Press (2024)
El siglo VIII luso-hispanorrománico y su tipología sintáctica. Correlatos clausales y extraclausales
Omar Velázquez-Mendoza
Valencia: Tirant Humanidades (2023)
Visibili e influenti
Francesca Calamita
Biblion Edizioni (2023)
DiversITALY: Elementary Italian with Inclusive Language and Gender Equality Volume 2
Francesca Calamita
Kendall Hunt (2023)
DiversITALY: Elementary Italian with Inclusive Language and Gender Equality Volume 1
Francesca Calamita
Kendall Hunt (2022)
Fernando Operé
Isla Negra (2022)
El Vigilante
Fernando Operé
Alcorce Ediciones (2022)
The Comintern and the Global South: Global Designs/Local Encounters
Anne Garland Mahler
Routledge (2022)
Basura: Cultures of Waste in Contemporary Spain
Samuel Amago
University of Virginia Press (2021)
En El Nombre Del Padre: Cronica Espana De Franco A America De Trump
Fernando Operé
Valparaíso Ediciones (2021)
Mining Language: Racial Thinking, Indigenous Knowledge, and Colonial Metallurgy in the Early Modern Iberian World
Allison Bigelow
Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and the University of North Carolina Press (2020)
Food and Women in Italian Literature, Culture and Society
Francesca Calamita
Bloomsbury Publishing (2020)
The New Brazilian Mediascape: Television Production in the Digital Streaming Age
Eli Carter
University Press of Florida (2020)
Elemental Narratives. Reading Ecological Entanglements in Modern Italy
Enrico Cesaretti
Penn State University Press (2020)
The Spanish Pacific, 1521-1815: A Reader of Primary Sources in English Translation
Ricardo Padrón
Amsterdam University Press (2020)
The Indies of the Setting Sun: How Early Modern Spain Mapped the Far East as the Transpacific West
Ricardo Padrón
University of Chicago Press (2020)
Mourning El Dorado: Literature and Extractivism in the Contemporary American Tropics
Charlotte Rogers
University of Virginia Press (2019)
Consequential Art: Comics Culture in Contemporary Spain
Samuel Amago
University of Toronto Press (2019)
Nunca mayor sobervia comidió Luçifer’. Límites del conocimiento y cultura claustral en el Libro de Alexandre
Fernando Riva
Iberoamericana Vervuert (2019)
Estudio de Morfosintaxis Histórica
Omar Velázquez-Mendoza
Tirant Humanidades (2019)
La recepción de las vanguardias extranjeras en España: Cubismo, Futurismo, Dadá
Andrew Anderson
Renacimiento (2018)
Estudio de Morfosintaxis Histórica
Omar Velázquez-Mendoza
Tirant lo Blanch (2018)
Reimagining Brazilian Television: Luiz Fernando Carvalho’s Contemporary Vision
Eli Carter
University of Pittsburgh Press (2018)
España y las luchas por la modernidad. Siglos XIX a XXI
Fernando Operé
Calambur (2018)
Italy and the Environmental Humanities. Landscapes, Natures, Ecologies
Enrico Cesaretti
University of Virginia Press (2018)
From the Tricontinental to the Global South: Race, Radicalism, and Transnational Solidarity
Anne Garland Mahler
Duke University Press (2018)
The Eighteenth Centuries: Global Networks of Enlightenment
David T. Gies
Virginia (2018)
España y las luchas por la modernidad
Fernando Operé
Cambur (2018)
From the Tricontinental to the Global South
Anne Garland Mahler
Duke (2018)
Reimagining Brazilian Television
Eli Carter
Pittsburgh (2018)
Sucking up: A Brief Consideration of Sycophancy
Deborah Parker
University of Virginia Press (2017)
Starvation, Food Obsession and Identity
Francesca Calamita
Peter Lang (2017)
El momento ultraísta
Andrew Anderson
Iberoamericana (2017)
Reading, performing, and imagining the Libro del Arcipreste
E. Michael Gerli
UNC Press (2016)
Eros y amistad
David T. Gies
Calambur (2016)
José Zorilla, Don Juan Tenorio
David T. Gies
Castalia (2016)
Relatos de cautivos en las Américas
Fernando Operé
Corregidor (2016)
Devout Laywomen in the Early Modern World
Alison Weber
Routledge (2016)
Linguaggi dell'esperienza femminile
Francesca Calamita
Il Poligrafo (2015)
Fictions of Appetite
Enrico Cesaretti
Peter Lang (2013)
Interpreting Dan Brown's Inferno
Deborah Parker
Palgrave Macmillan (2013)
Inferno Revealed: From Dante to Dan Brown
Deborah Parker
Palgrave Macmillan (2013)
La vuelta al mundo en 80 poemas
Fernando Operé
Biblioteca Nueva (2012)
The DVD and the Study of Film
Deborah Parker
Palgrave Macmillan (2011)
Michelangelo and the Art of Letter Writing
Deborah Parker
Cambridge (2010)
Mempo Giardinelli, An Impossible Balance
Gustavo Pellón
Juan de la Cuesta (2010)
Pagodas in Play
Adrienne Ward
Bucknell (2010)
Generation X Rocks
Randolph Pope
Vanderbilt (2007)
España y los españoles de hoy
Fernando Operé
Prentice (2007)
The Underdogs
Gustavo Pellón
Hackett (2006)
The Spacious Word
Ricardo Padrón
Chicago (2004)
Cambridge History of Spanish Literature
David T. Gies
Cambridge (2004)
Historias de la frontera
Fernando Operé
Fondo de Cultura Económica (2001)
Indian Captivity in Spanish America
Fernando Operé
Virginia (2001)
Castelli di carta
Enrico Cesaretti
Longo Editore (2001)
Bronzino: Renaissance Painter as Poet
Deborah Parker
Cambridge (2000)
Exploring the Role of Morphology in the Evolution of Spanish
Joel Rini
John Benjamins Publishing Company (1999)