Portuguese Program
Please note: Per university policy, "The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. The Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record represent the official repository for academic program requirements. These publications may be found at http://www.virginia.edu/registrar/."
With the dizzying array of options, why study Portuguese? Because it’s super cool? Well yes, but Portuguese is way more than just cool. For example, did you know that it is the the sixth most widely spoken language in the world? With more than 250 million speakers covering four continents and 11 countries, the number of Portuguese speakers across the globe outpaces German, Russian, Japanese, and Italian. The vast majority of those speakers live in Brazil, which is the largest country in Latin America, both in terms of population and territory. Home to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, the entertainment and financial capitals of South America, Brazil consistently maintains one of the world’s largest economies. The South American giant also boasts bio, cultural, and racial diversity that combine to make it one of the most compelling countries in the world. To put it simply, whatever way you spin it, Portuguese is extremely important and useful. But again, it’s also super cool! Architecture, diversity, futebol, history, literature, film, music, nature, you name it, the Lusophone world has got it! Come see for yourself!
No prior experience with Portuguese or another Romance language? No problem! The Portuguese program at UVa provides beginner and advanced students alike the opportunity to explore the Lusophone world’s language, cultures, and histories by emphasizing speaking, listening, reading, and writing of Portuguese, especially as used in Brazil. For students new to the study of Romance languages, the Portuguese program offers a three-semester sequence beginning with PORT 1110 (Introductory), PORT 2120 (Intermediate), and PORT 3010 (Grammar and Composition). Students with an advanced fluency in another Romance language (e.g., Spanish, French, or Italian), may complete the sequence over two semesters by taking PORT 2050 (Portuguese for Romance language Speakers) and PORT 3010. Students interested in furthering their studies of Portuguese and Lusophone cultures are invited to do so at the 4000-level.
The Portuguese minor consists of eighteen credits beyond PORT 2120 or PORT 2050.
Undergraduate Program
The requirements for the minor in Portuguese consist of eighteen credits beyond PORT 2120 or PORT 2050. Though not mandatory, students interested in the minor are strongly encouraged to spend a semester or J-Term studying in Brazil or in Portugal. The Director of the Portuguese Program is Professor Eli Carter (441 New Cabell Hall).
Please keep the following in mind:
1. You must have a declared major before declaring a minor.
2. Credits applied toward the Portuguese minor may NOT also count toward completion of a major.
3. Courses taken on a CR/NC basis may not be included in the minor program.
The courses counting toward the Portuguese minor include:
POTR 4270 – The Civilization of Brazil
Introduces the development of Brazilian culture from 1500 to the present. This course is taught in English and does not fulfill the language requirement.
PORT 3010 – Advanced Grammar, Conversation and Composition
Prerequisite: PORT 2120 or by permission. Studies advanced grammar through analysis of texts; includes extensive practice in composition and topical conversation.
PORT 3559 – New Course: PORT
This course provides the opportunity to offer new topics within the subject of Portuguese.
PORT 4559 – New Course: PORT
This course provides the opportunity to offer new topics within the subject of Portuguese.
PORT 4020 – Readings in Literature in Portuguese
Prerequisite: PORT 2120 or by permission. Studies readings from the chief periods of Brazilian and Portuguese literature.
PORT 4410 – Brazilian Literature
Studies leading figures and movements from Colonial times to 1900.
PORT 4420 – Brazilian Literature
Studies leading figures and movements from 1900 to present.
PORT 4610, 4620 – Studies in Luso-Brazilian Language and Literature
Prerequisite: one course at the 3000 level or higher, or instructor permission. Studies topics in Portuguese or Brazilian literature or in Portuguese linguistics according to the interests and preparation of the student.
PORT 4920 – Independent Study
Luso-Brazilian Culture Independent Study - Instructor Permission Required
Portuguese Courses Offered in Spring 2022 include:
PORT 3559 New Course with Lilian Feitosa
In this advanced Portuguese class, students will continue to develop their language skills by reading short-stories, essays, diaries, children's and young adult books, a short novel, and viewing films and documentaries that focus on themes of race and class in Brazil. Students will participate in and lead class discussions, make oral presentations, write short reflective texts, and conduct individual research on topics of their choice.
To begin the process of declaring a Portuguese Minor contact Linda Newman at lgn3e@virginia.edu
Additional Information
For more information about the Portuguese Minor, please contact Professor Eli Carter.