Alumni (1990-present)
We consider it a true privlege to have taught students in all areas of Spanish, Latin American, and Latinx literary and cultural study, and to have prepared them for diverse pathways in higher education, public service, non-profit organizations, and the private sector. To learn more about the history of graduate student work in our department, please see our list of alumni, 1990-present, below.
Lauren Mehfoud: “Drug Fictions: Imagining Prohibition, Race, and Nation in Latin America” (completed 2024; directed by Anne Garland Mahler)
Maria Paola Monteros-Freeman: “Filmando tierra adentro. El cine de Lisandro Alonso, la visibilización de protagonistas marginales y espacios periféricos.” (completed 2024; directed by Sam Amago)
Ana Piriz Moguel: “La materialidad de las cosas: estudio cultural de los objetos de uso femenino en la formación nacional española de finales del siglo XIX.” (completed 2024; directed by Sam Amago)
Rachel West: “Global Borges: Patrimony, Identity, and the World in Contemporary Hispanic Literature.” (completed 2024; directed by Charlotte Rogers)
Catherine Addington: "Selected Writings of Saint Rafael Arnáiz Barón: A Translation" (completed 2021; directed Allison Bigelow)
Adam Cohn: Beyond Sefarad: Philo-Sephardism and the Early Twentieth-Century Spanish Novel (completed 2021; directed by Andrew Anderson)
María Esparza Rodríguez: Cartographies of Vulnerability: Body and Space in Contemporary Mexican Literature and Culture (completed 2021; directed by María-Inés Lagos)
Alexa Jeffress: Writing and Re-Writing the Working-Class Experience in Barcelona, 1888-1923" (completed 2021; directed by Andrew Anderson)
Benjamin Romero: “Autorretratos de la escritora-artista: biografía visual y construcciones de identidad en los collages de Carmen Martín Gaite” (completed 2021; directed by Sam Amago)
Thomas Antorino: “‘Feminine’ Bestsellers: Gender and the Question of Modernity in the Spanish Short Novel (1907-1936)” (completed 2020; directed by Andrew Anderson)
Astrid Ochoa Campo: “Las madres cuentan: Maternidad como experiencia en la narrativa de autoras colombianas y US-colombianas contemporáneas” (completed 2020; directed by Maria-Inés Lagos)
Jessica Marroquín: “Figures of Death: Hybridity and Violence in la Santa Muerte” (completed 2020; directed Sam Amago)
Andrea Pauw: “Verses to Live By: Aljamiado Poetry in Mudejar and Morisco Communities” (completed 2020; directed by Michael Gerli)
Óscar Ruiz Hernández: “Crossings: Identidad, trabajo y movilidad social en el teatro del largo Siglo XVIII en España” (completed 2020; directed by David Gies)
Nicole Bonino: "Hacerse la América": procesos de híbridación imaginados en la literatura migratoria italo-argentina” (completed 2019; directed by Fernando Opere)
Jessica Daves: "Embracing the Second Soul: Bilingualism in Caribbean-American-English Texts” (completed 2019; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Loreto Romero Martínez Eiroa: "Anamorphosis: Reading and Imagining Celestina on the Edge of Modernity" (completed 2019; directed by E. Michael Gerli)
Joanne Britland: “‘La literatura de la crisis’: The 2008 Financial Collapse and Contemporary Spanish Cultural Production” (completed 2019; directed by Andrew Anderson)
Lauren Kathleen Reynolds: "Global Migrations in Cuban and Cuban American Literature: What is Carried, What is Lost, and What is Left Behind" (completed 2018; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Anthony Pasero-O’Malley: “Stagings of the Sign: Semiotics and Spanish Experimental Theatre” (completed 2018; directed by Andrew A. Anderson)
Alicia Salinas: "“Tu táan yich in kaajal” [The Face of My People]: Contemporary Maya-Spanish Bilingual Literature and Cultural Production from the Yucatan Peninsula" (completed 2018; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Melissa J. Frost: "Herbs that Madden, Herbs that Cure: A History of Hallucinogenic Plant Use in Colonial Mexico" (completed 2017; directed by Fernando Operé)
Nasser Meerkhan: "Al-Andalus in Text and Context: Stories and Histories of Medieval and Early Modern Iberia" (completed 2017; directed by E. Michael Gerli)
Judith K. Lang Hilgartner: "Belonging to Exile: the Elusive Homelands of the Sephardic Jews" (completed 2017; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Elena Neacsu: “The Body Unveiled: Anatomy and Interiority in Early Modern Spain” (completed 2017; directed by Ricardo Padrón)
Rachel Finney: “Representations of Women in Post-War Spain: Gender and Performance in Recent Novels and Films” (completed 2017; directed by Andrew A. Anderson)
Nora Benedict: “The Fashioning of Jorge Luis Borges: Magazines, Books, and Print Culture in Argentina (1930-1951)” (completed: 2017; directed by Andrew A. Anderson)
Kristin Connor: "Playing with Propaganda and Patronage: The Intersections of Masculinity and Public Image in Early Colonial Chilean Literature" (completed 2016; directed by Ricardo Padrón)
Casey Eriksen: "The Poet and His Readers: The Social and Poetic Matrix of Garcilaso de la Vega" (completed 2016; directed by E. Michael Gerli)
Ryan Johnson: “¿El vencedor es Dioniso?: The Aesthetics of Balance in the Works of Roberto Bolaño” (completed 2016; directed by María-Inés Lagos)
Nicholas Wolters: "Men of the Cloth: Fashioning the Clergy in the Spanish Novel (1843–1925)" (completed 2016; directed by Randolph Pope)
Diana Galarreta Aima: "Volviendo a España de tierras musulmanas: experiencia y transformación del cautiverio en la literatura de los retornados" (completed 2015; directed by Alison Weber)
Jennifer Barlow: "Iberian Daughters of Sappho: Female Friendship in Early Modern Spain" (completed 2015; directed by Alison Weber)
Juan Martínez Millán: "Aproximación a las auto poéticas de cuatro poetas latinoamericanos: Diana Bellessi, Antonio Cisneros, Eduardo Espina, José Emilio Pacheco" (completed 2015)
Gabrielle Miller: "Mapping the Imagination: Feminine Embodiment in the Novels of Benito Pérez Galdós" (completed 2015; directed by Randolph Pope)
Davina Buivan Kotanchik: "Capital Values in Play: Representations of Economic Figures in Nineteenth-Century Spanish Theater" (completed 2014)
Anthony Cella: "Un análisis sociocrítico de algunas narconarrativas mexicanas" (completed 2014)
Zachary Ludington: “Palo cruzado, palo seco: Typography and Material Poetics in the Spanish Historical Avant-Garde” (completed 2014; directed by Andrew Anderson)
Gillian Price: “The New Queens of Crime: Images of Women Detectives in Contemporary Argentinean and Mexican Literature” (completed 2014; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Adriana Rojas Campbell: "From Manchay Tiempo to ‘Truth’: Cultural Trauma and Resilience in Contemporary Peruvian Narrative” (completed 2014; directed by Ricardo Padrón)
Makenzie Seiple: "Playing at Life: Childhood and Play in 20th-Century Spanish Literature and Film" (completed 2014; directed by Randolph Pope)
Kátia Sherman: "Cervantes, Premeditated Philosopher: Skepticism and the Novelas ejemplares" (completed 2014)
Alison Atkins: "Authorship at the fogones: Gastronomy and the Artist in Post-Transition Spain" (completed 2013; directed by Randolph Pope)
Sarah Bogard: "Against Gracias: The Poetics of the Erotic Gift in Early Modern Spain" (completed 2013)
Sarah Campbell: "Bourbon (Re)Conquests: Epic, Empire, and Enlightenment from Madrid to Mexico City" (completed 2013)
David F. Fernández Díaz: "Cien años después: Huellas de Moratín en la crítica literaria y el teatro español (1828-1928)" (completed 2013; directed by David Gies)
Ashley Kerr: "Somos una raza privilegiada: Anthropology, Race, and Nation in the Literature of the River Plate, 1870-2010" (completed 2013)
Jeannie LaPlatney: "Manly Men and Demonic Women: Constructions of Masculinity in the Spanish Ballads" (completed 2013; directed by E. Michael Gerli)
Allison Libbey-Titus: "The Telling of Trauma: Narratives of Rape in Twentieth-Century Spanish-Language Literature" (completed 2013; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Tim McCallister: "The Philosophy of Don Quijote without Don Quijote" (completed 2013)
Janice R. North: "The Constructions of a Cultural Legacy: Queen María de Molina of Castile and the Political Discourses of Molinismo" (completed 2013; directed by E. Michael Gerli)
Rosa Mirna Sánchez Ferreiras: "Re-escrituras del cuento de hadas en la literatura hispánica contemporánea: Rosario Ferré, Carmen Martín Gaite, Luisa Valenzuela y Eliseo Diego" (completed 2013; directed by María-Inés Lagos)
Stephen Silverstein: "The Jewish Slave Trader Trope in Abolitionist Discourses of the Caribbean, 1839-1882" (completed 2012)
Natalie McManus Chu: “The Pirate Pathway: The Trajectory of the Pirate Figure in Peninsular Spanish Literature from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century” (completed 2012; directed by Andrew Anderson)
Faith Harden: "Martial Masculinities: Gender, Genre, and the Self in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Soldiers' Autobiographies" (completed 2012; directed by Alison Weber)
Pedro Larrea Rubio: “Federico García Lorca en Buenos Aires” (completed 2012; directed by Andrew Anderson)
Karliana Sakas: "Servants of Desire, Masters of Deceit: The Discourse of Servitude in Selected Spanish Early Modern Novellas" (completed 2012)
Anne Stachura: "An Inhospitable World: The Post-national Imaginary in Latin American Novel and Film, 2000-2010" (completed 2012)
Ana Cornide: "Los ruidos del silencio: Tres ejemplos en la tradición del nuevo relato fantastic latinoamericano” (completed 2011; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Alejandra Gutiérrez: "El enigma del personaje escritor en la narrativa hispánica posmoderna" (completed 2011; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Alex Holland: "Allegories of Globalization: The United States in Recent Latin American Narrative" (completed 2011)
Katherine Karr-Cornejo: “Our Nation, Ourselves: Constructions of Subjectivity in Chilean Historical Fiction of the Democratic Transition (1990–2010)” (completed 2011; directed by María-Inés Lagos)
Miguel Rivera Taupier: "Borges y las Subversiones del Género Policial en Latinoamérica" (completed 2011)
Eunice Rojas: “Going (In) Sane: Deconstructing Madness in Contemporary Argentine Narrative" (completed 2010; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Charlotte Le Moyne: "Becoming Nikkei: Reflections of Transcultural Identity in the Writing of Four Spanish American Writers of Japanese Descent" (completed 2010; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Germán de Patricio Anson: "Imagen pública, religión y política: la distinción, el capital simbólico y el antisemitismo en Quevedo" (completed 2010)
María del Carmen García Armero: "Reflejos de Narciso en la narrativa española contemporánea: José María Merino, Juan José Millás y Rosa Montero" (completed 2009; directed by Randolph Pope)
Julianna Gallardo: “Partículas revoltosas: la infancia en la literatura fantástica mexicana del siglo XX” (completed 2009; directed by María-Inés Lagos)
Daniel E. Hartnett: "The Political and Social Use of Dante in Fifteenth-Century Iberian Court Culture" (completed 2009; directed by E. Michael Gerli)
Alicia López-Operé: “Poetas del siglo XXI: Los caminos de la joven poesía Española” (completed 2009; directed by Andrew Anderson)
Amy Roeland-Sentell: “Spain’s Decadent Dilemma: Science and Art versus Nature in the Forgotten Novel of fin de siglo” (completed 2009; directed by Andrew Anderson)
Andrea Smith: "Acting White: Dramatic Representations of Race in Nineteenth-Century Peru" (completed 2009)
David Keith Vassar: "Transformational fictions: Ritualized autobiography in contemporary novels from Chile and Argentina" (completed 2009; directed by Randolph Pope)
Frazier Yoder: “The Character Creator in Twentieth-Century Latin American Literature: Metafiction, Metaphysics, Power and Projections of Desire” (completed 2009; directed by María-Inés Lagos)
Irene Gómez Castellano: "Máscaras y autorretratos: El yo poético en la poesía rococo española" (completed 2008; directed by David Gies)
Keith Howard: "The Early-Modern Reception of Machiavelli in Spain: A Critical Edition of Juan Lorenzo Ottevanti's Discurso de Machiaueli (1552)" (completed 2008; directed by E. Michael Gerli)
Leslie Maxwell Kaiura: "Battered angels: Domestic violence in Spanish literature, 1850–1925" (completed 2008; directed by Randolph Pope)
Ana María Mutis: “Voices that Kill: Violent Narrators in Contemporary Latin American Fiction" (completed 2008; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Virginia Newhall Rademacher: "Biographical questioning and the quest for the real in contemporary Spanish narrative" (completed 2008; directed by Randolph Pope)
Diana Q. Palardy (Burkhart): "Dystopian impulses in contemporary peninsular literature and film" (completed 2008; directed by Randolph Pope)
Cristina Maria Percoco: "The seduction of objects: Understanding desire and material culture in Emilia Pardo Bazán's short fiction" (completed 2008; directed by Randolph Pope)
Patricia Reagan: "The Other 'I': The New Narcissism of Postmodernism First Person; Non-Protagonist Narrators in Novels by Jose Donoso, Elena Garro, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Mario Vargas Llosa" (completed 2008)
Arantxa Ascunce: “The Avant-Garde Spirit in Spain: Poetry, Politics, Art, Protagonists, Press” (completed 2007; directed by Andrew Anderson)
Darren Aversa: "Phantomatic Discourse in the New Historical Novel" (completed 2007)
Ann Gutiérrez: "Pedro de Peralta's Lima Fundada: Textual Hybridity and Early Eighteenth-Century Ideologies of Identity" (completed 2007)
Elizabeth Marcela Pettinaroli: "Literary Emplacements: Chorography and Placemaking in the Early Modern Hispanic World" (completed 2007; directed by Ricardo Padrón)
Virginia Talley: “Hybridity in the Novels of José Donoso, Severo Sarduy, Diamela Eltit, and Pedro Lemebel" (completed 2007; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Paul David Begin: "Anglo-American rock in Peninsular “Generation X” fiction" (completed 2006; directed by Randolph Pope)
José Manuel Hidalgo: "Alegoria y apocalipsis: Encuentros equinos en el libro de buen amor" (completed 2006; directed by E. Michael Gerli)
Ilka Kressner: “Stages of Disquiet: Evocations of Space in Latin American Short Fiction and Its Cinematographic Transformation" (completed 2006; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Iana Konstantinova: "Postmodernist Metafictional Crime Narratives in Chile and Argentina" (completed 2005)
Kimberly Vega: “La isla de mi encanto: nation, language and geography in the literary development of Puerto Rican identity" (completed 2005; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Christine Blackshaw Naberhaus: ""Todo sobre su madre": Oedipal Knots and Absent Mothers in Spanish Romantic Tragedy" (completed 2004; directed by David Gies)
Matthew Bentley: "La ropa de la pena: The Materiality of Love, Language, and Representation in Question de amor" (completed 2004; directed by E. Michael Gerli)
Carol Harllee (†): "Sixteenth-Century Self-Help: Reception of the Dialogue in Spain" (completed 2004)
Troy Prinkey: "From the Margin and Into the Mainstream: Assimilative Elements of the Contemporary Gay Mexican Novel (1980-2000)" (completed 2004)
Matthieu Raillard: "Writing the Author: Metafiction, Narrative Strategy and the Discourse of Authority in the Spanish 18th Century" (completed 2004; directed by David Gies)
Samuel Amago: "True lies: Narrative self -consciousness in the contemporary Spanish novel" (completed 2003; directed by Randolph Pope)
María Celeste Delgado Librero: "Jaume Roig's Spill: A Diplomatic Edition and an English Translation of Ms. Vat. Lat. 4806" (completed 2003; directed by E. Michael Gerli)
Vanessa Heitner: "Redressing Herodotus: The Historical Novel in Post-Dictatorship Argentina" (completed 2003)
Sylvain Poosson: "La historia silenciada: Los afroargentinos, protagonistas de un drama social" (completed 2003)
Todd Price: "The Stage in the Streets: Calderon de La Barca's Autos Sacramentales in the Urban Landscape of Madrid" (completed 2003; directed by Ricardo Padrón)
Matthew Marr: “The ‘Metapoetics’ of Postmodernism: Self-Consciousness and Creative Renewal in Peninsular Verse of 1980s and 1990s” (completed 2003; directed by Andrew Anderson)
Susan Walter: "The Interplay of Feminism in Emilia Pardo Bazan's Essays and Short Stories" (completed 2003)
Jeffrey Bersett: "El Burlado de Sevilla: Nineteenth Century Theatrical Appropriations of Don Juan Tenorio" (completed 2002; directed by David Gies)
Emily Hind: “After Ours: Six Mexican Women Writers on Borrowed Time" (completed 2001; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Raquel Chiquillo: "El compromiso social, la lirica y los problemas de clasificacion: Dos caminos dentro de la poesia centroamericana (Cardenal, Dalton, Debravo y Escobar Galindo)" (completed 2001)
Margaret Ewalt: "A Colonial Cabinet of Curiosities: Joseph Gumilla's Wunderkammer. El Orinoco Ilustrado and the Rhetoric of Wonder" (completed 2001; directed by Ruth Hill)
Christy Hyland: "Emilia Pardo Bazan and the Sexing of the Soul" (completed 2001)
H.J. Manzari: “Histories in Conflict and the Crisis of Truth in the Contemporary Caribbean Novel" (completed 2001; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Javier Torre: "Los libros de viajes espanoles en la era del turismo y de la postmodernidad" (completed 2001)
Jennifer McCune: "Decentering Cuba: Diary Writing and the Post-Colonial Experience, 1868-1898" (completed 2000; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
James Andrew Austin: "Voluntad and Gana: The Construction of Personality in Unamuno" (completed 2000; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
J. Andrew Brown: “Test Tube Envy Science and Power in Argentine Narrative from Sarmiento to Giardinelli” (completed 2000; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Kelly Dunn: “Representative Detective Fiction Writers from Mexico and Argentina: Socio-Political Factors and Literary Context” (completed 1998; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Anne Massey: “The Hero's Quest in Postmodernity: Searches for Identity in the Hispanic New Narrative” (completed 1997; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
José Delgado Costa: "Binarración y parodia en las novelas de Osvaldo Soriano.” (completed 1996; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Karen Rauch: "Mothers and Other Strangers: Representations of the Maternal in Spanish Romantic Discourse" (completed 1996; directed by David Gies)
Elizabeth Franklin Lewis: "Feminine Discourse and Subjectivity in the Works of Josefa Amar y Borbón, María Gertrudis Hore and María Rosa Gálvez" (completed 1993; directed by David Gies)
Magda T. Vergara: "El discurso femenino de Juana Manuela Gorriti" (completed 1992; directed by Gustavo Pellón)
Alvin Sherman: "Mariano Jose de Larra: A Directory of Historical Personages and Literary Figures in His Writings (With Computerized Indices)" (completed 1990; directed by David Gies)
Susan Walter: "The Interplay of Feminism in Emilia Pardo Bazan's Essays and Short Stories" (completed 2003)
Pamela McNab Wilson: "The Narrative and Structural Significance of Animals in the Short Stories of Julio Cortázar" (completed 1992; directed by Gustavo Pellón)