Alicia López-Operé
New Cabell Hall 465
Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 2:00-3:30pm & by appt, Sign up for office hours here. Please email me for questions related to the major and the minor (3000 and 4000 level courses).
University of Virginia, 2014 – present
University of Virginia in Valencia, advisor, promotion
EXCO Faculty Senate
Co-chair DEI committee, Faculty Senate
Spanish Theater Group, producer & actor
Contemplative Faculty with the CSC
Ph.D. in Spanish, University of Virginia, 2009
M.A. in Spanish, University of Virginia, 2004
Bachelor of Arts in Spanish Philology, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, 2001
“Poetas del siglo XXI. Los caminos de la poesía joven española”
Research Interests
- 20th-21th century Spanish poetry, theater and poetic performance
- Contemplative Pedagogies
- Language for the Professions
- SPAN 3300: Text and Interpretation
- SPAN 3050: Spanish for Medical Professionals
- SPAN 3410: Survey of Spanish Literature II (1800 to present)
ENCUENTROS EN SALUD y CULTURA: Pacientes hispanohablantes en el sistema de salud de los EE.UU.
Co-authorized with Diana Galarreta-Aima and Paulina Carrión.
Link to the book https://viva.pressbooks.pub/medicalspanisheducation/
“Mirada de mujer a mujer. Notas sobre El color de agosto, de Paloma Pedrero”, en Historia de un escenario. Cuarenta años de teatro en español en la Universidad de Virginia. Fernando Operé and Fernando Valverde eds. Valparaíso USA and Sonámbulos Ediciones, 2020.
“Anverso y Reverso de un Comienzo: Parelelos Temáticos y Simbólicos en Génesis de la luz y Biografía sola, de Jaime Siles” en La poesía de Jaime Siles: desvelo del lenguaje. Madrid: Siglo XXI, 2014.
Book reviews
Second Edition of Tornasol. Guía para la interpretación de textos literarios y cine. Antonio Sobejano-Morán. Wilkes Barrea, PA: Panda Publications, 2017.
Sixth Edition of Puentes. Spanish for Intensive and High-Beginners Courses. Patti J. Marinelli and Lizette Mujica Laughlin. Boston: Heinle Cengage Learning, 2014.
Rivero, Isel. Words Are Witnesses / Las Palabras Son Testigos. Madrid: Verbum, 2010. Reviewed in Cuadernos de Aldeeu, 24 (2012): 287-289.
Recent presentations and panel/conference organizer
“The Compassionate Reader. New Approach to Feedback and Peer Review” as part of the panel “New writing assignments for language, film, and composition courses.” Institute of World Languages round table, University of Virginia (speaker and organizer.) November, 2019.
“Prácticas pedagógicas contemplativas en la enseñanza de lengua extranjera”. Alicia López Operé, Esther Poveda Moreno y Zaida Villanueva García. Spanish Professionals in America. XXXIX Congreso Internacional de ALDEEU. Valencia, Spain, June 2019 (speaker and conference organizer).
“Movement practice” as part of “Contemplative Pedagogy in World Languages”. Institute of World Languages Annual Faculty Retreat. May, 2019.
“Final Project Presentation: a Student-Centered Symposium in Spanish for Medical Professionals”, as part of the panel “Languages in the Real World: A Showcase of Learning Projects in Language for Specific Purposes courses at UVA.” Institute of World Languages round table, University of Virginia. April, 2019.
"Jornada de relajación". Alicia López-Operé, Esther Poveda Moreno, Zaida Villanueva García. Language Commons students activity. University of Virginia, April 2019 (presenter and co-organizer).
“3D Printing for Medical Spanish. A collaborative project showcase.” Teaching with Technology Summit. University of Virginia. October, 2018. XXXVIII Congreso Internacional de ALDEEU. University of Virginia, June 2018 (conference organizer).
“De la poesía de la experiencia a la experiencia fragmentada: dos jóvenes poetas españoles del siglo XXI”. MIFLC Mountain Interstate Foreign Languages Conference, College of Charleston, October 2015.
“Síntesis dramática. Microteatro español en el siglo XXI”. Carolina Conference on Romance Languages. UNC – Chapel Hill, April 2015.
“Sexo 10.0, la parodia de la deshumanización y cibersexo en la era del chat”. Carolina Conference on Romance Languages. UNC – Chapel Hill, April 2014.