Samuel Amago
New Cabell Hall 427
Office Hours: Tues & Thurs 12:30-1:30pm & by appt
Research Summary
I teach courses on modern and contemporary Spanish literary history, cinema, comics, and culture. From 2019-2022, I served as Chair of the Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese at UVA. I am a former Chair of the Department of Romance Studies and Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Professor of Spanish at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. From 2003 to 2010 I taught at the University of Notre Dame, where I served as Associate Professor of Spanish. In an administrative capacity, I was a fellow in the University of Virginia's Leadership in Academic Matters Program (2021) and the Chairs Leadership Program at UNC-Chapel Hill (2018).
Click here for more information on Environmental Humanities at UVA.
My current scholarship centers on waste and space, memory and modernity in post-dictatorship Spanish cultural production, including photography, documentary, narrative, comics, film and television.
Click here to read a short entry on basura / trash / waste, which is part of the collective Constellation of the Commons.
Click here to listen to a podcast on trash, aesthetics, and Spanish film of the post-Franco era.
Basura: Cultures of Waste in Contemporary Spain. University of Virginia Press, 2021. Winner of the 32nd Katherine Singer Kovacs Prize for an outstanding book published in English or Spanish in the field of Latin American and Spanish literatures and cultures.
Spanish Cinema in the Global Context: Film on Film. New York: Routledge, 2013.
True Lies: Narrative Self-Consciousness in the Contemporary Spanish Novel. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2006.
Consequential Art: Comics Culture in Contemporary Spain. Co-edited with Matthew Marr. U of Toronto Press, 2019.
Vademécum del cine Iberoamericano: Métodos y Teorías. Co-edited with Eugenia Afinoguénova and Kathryn Everly. Hispanófila 177 (2016)
Unearthing Franco’s Legacy: Mass Graves and the Recovery of Historical Memory in Spain. Co-edited with Carlos Jerez-Farrán. U of Notre Dame Press, 2010.