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Andrew Anderson

Professor Emeritus of Spanish

Research Summary

Andrew A. Anderson is Professor of Spanish in the Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. He holds a B.A., M.A. and D.Phil. from Oxford University. Before coming to Virginia, he taught at Oxford University and the University of Michigan. Specializing in later nineteenth-century and twentieth-century Peninsular literature, his research is principally concerned with Spanish poetry and theatre from the 1890s through to the 1930s, as well as literature and film of the Spanish Civil War.

Professor Anderson has published fourteen books and critical editions of Spanish literature, over seventy articles and book chapters, twenty-five bibliographies and fifty book reviews, and he has lectured extensively in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, England, Scotland, France, and Spain. In 1995 he was awarded the Excellence in Research Award, and in 2000 the Michigan Humanities Award, both by the University of Michigan; in 1996-2000 he held an Honorary Research Fellowship at the Centre for the Study of the Hispanic Avant-Garde (University of Aberdeen); and he has received grants for his research from the British Academy, the American Philosophical Society and the Spanish Ministry of Culture.

Professor Anderson’s recent publications span such topics as nineteenth- and twentieth-century Spanish narrative, García Lorca’s poetry, Futurism, theatre production in the 1920s, Salvador Dalí, etc. He published the first critical edition of the original manuscript of Lorca’s Poeta en Nueva York in 2013. His book concerned with the origins and foundation of the Spanish historical avant-garde movement Ultraísmo was published in 2017, while his most recent monograph documents and analyses the reception of Cubism, Futurism, and Dada in Spain in the 1910s and 20s.  A complete list of his publications is available here List of publications


D.Phil., Oxford University
M.A., Oxford University
B.A., Oxford University


Recent Books

La recepción de las vanguardias extranjeras en España: cubismo, futurismo, dadá. Estudio y ensayo de bibliografía (Sevilla: Renacimiento, 2018).

El momento ultraísta. Orígenes, fundación y lanzamiento de un movimiento de vanguardia (Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, 2017).

Federico García Lorca en Nueva York y La Habana. Cartas y recuerdos, jointly authored with Christopher Maurer (Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2013).

Federico García Lorca, Poeta en Nueva York, edición del original (Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 2013).

Ernesto Giménez Caballero: The Vanguard Years (1921-1931) (Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 2011).

El veintisiete en tela de juicio. Examen de la historiografía generacional y replanteamiento de la vanguardia histórica española (Madrid: Gredos, 2005).

Recent Articles

“Undecidability in Lorca’s Amor de don Perlimplín con Belisa en su jardín,” Hispanic Studies Review, 3 (2018), 1-13.

“La breve moda de la poesía visual en las revistas del Ultra,” in Laboratorios de lo nuevo. Revistas literarias y culturales de México, España y el Río de la Plata en la década de 1920, ed. Rose Corral, Anthony Stanton, & James Valender (Mexico City: El Colegio de México, 2018), pp. 57-87.

“La trayectoria de Poeta en Nueva York a través de sus traductores estadounidenses: Humphries, Belitt, Simon/White y después,” in El impacto de la metrópolis. La experiencia americana en Lorca, Dalí y Buñuel, ed. José M. del Pino (Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert/Iberoamericana, 2018), pp. 93-115.

“La colaboración teatral Ricardo Baeza–Mimí Aguglia (1926),” Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea, 42 (2017), 817-840.

"Lorca’s ‘Cielo vivo,’ the Other Lake Eden Poem,” Symposium, 71 (2017), 28-47.

“Approaching Lorca’s Viaje a la luna: Structural Patterns, Symbolic Concatenation, and El público,” Hispanic Review, 85 (2017), 1-21.

Diván del Tamarit,” Poéticas. Revista de Estudios Literarios, 2, no. 2 (2016), 5-25.

“Picture in Picture: Interpolation and Framing, Past and Present in David Trueba’s Soldados de Salamina,” Hispanic Research Journal, 17 (2016), 152-167.

“Necessary Sacrifices: From Romanticism to Naturalism in Galdós’s Marianela,” Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 92 (2015), 907-929.

Paysage d’Âme and Objective Correlative: Tradition and Innovation in Cernuda, Alberti, and García Lorca,” Modern Language Review, 110 (2015), 166-183.

“The Idiosyncratic Narrator in Javier Cercas’s Soldados de Salamina,” Neophilologus, 98 (2014), 599-615.

“Futurism in Spain: Research Trends and Recent Contributions,” International Yearbook of Futurism Studies, 3, Special Issue on Iberian Futurisms (2013), 21-42.

“‘Yo me froto las narices con las truchas del mar Rojo’: la poesía ultraísta de César González-Ruano,” Salina, 24 (2010) [pub. 2012], 45-56.

“Narrative Structure and Epistemological Uncertainty in Carmen Laforet’s Nada,” Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 88 (2011), 541-561.

“Concha’s Raven Locks: Narration, Motive and Character in Valle-Inclán’s Sonata de otoño,” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, 88 (2011), 437-454.

“Sex, Flippancy, Autobiography: Existential Palliatives in Valle-Inclán’s Sonatas,” Hispanic Review, 78 (2010), 387-409.

“The Travel Guide as Avant-Garde Soapbox: Ernesto Giménez Caballero’s Trabalenguas sobre España,” Hispanic Research Journal, 11 (2010), 241-258.

“Andrea’s Baggage: Reading (in) Laforet’s Nada,” Romance Quarterly, 57 (2010), 16-27.

“América y la construcción crítica de la ‘Generación del ’27,’” in Actas del Congreso Internacional “El 27 en América,” ed. Joaquín Roses (Córdoba: Diputación de Córdoba–Delegación de Cultura, 2010), pp. 73-100.

Grants & Awards

Research Award, Spanish Ministry of Culture

Research Grant, American Philosophical Society

Research Grant, British Academy

Honorary Research Fellowship at the Centre for the Study of the Hispanic Avant-Garde (University of Aberdeen) (1996-2000)

Michigan Humanities Award, University of Michigan (2000)

Excellence in Research Award, University of Michigan (1995)