Zeta Zeta Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi
UVa's Zeta Zeta Chapter of Sigma Delta Pi is now accepting applications for new members. If you are interested in promoting Hispanic Literatures and Cultures, and have met the requirements for membership, then Sigma Delta Pi is for you. Some of the most notable benefits are the opportunity for national awards, grants, and scholarships, which can facilitate study abroad programs and provide money for graduate research grants. Please return the completed form and a copy of your unofficial transcript byMonday, October 28, to my office, 418 New Cabell or email the materials to mjs9sj@virginia.edu.
The application form can also be found on the Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese' Forms website. After the application deadline, Monday, October 28, you will participate in an initiation ceremony on Thursday, November 7 during which you and receive credentials that certify you as a lifetime member of Sigma Delta Pi.