Spanish Writing Tutoring
Spanish Writing Tutoring
Fall 2021
The Department of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese offers free writing tutoring in Spanish for students in 1000 through 4000-level classes (excluding SPAN 3010 and 3020). This fall semester, our tutoring sessions will be offered on Wednesdays (1:00-2:30) and Fridays (10:30-12:30). The week of the November break tutoring will be on Monday and Tuesday (3:30-4:30). All writing tutoring sessions will take place on ZOOM.
Dear Students: You are invited to make use of the free Spanish Writing Tutoring as you prepare written assignments for your classes this semester, or to go over past work to build on your learning. A great benefit of bringing your work to a tutor is that explaining or showing your drafts to a neutral reader is an effective way to unblock and to polish your writing.
The assistance offered through Spanish Writing Tutoring takes different forms, such as help with the organization of information and ideas, thesis development, or the revision of syntax and complex grammar.
You can bring your work at any stage of development; from an outline, a part of an essay or project in progress, or a complete essay or project- but no essay exams!
The tutors’ goal is to help you become a more autonomous writer, and to guide you towards thinking about writing in Spanish as a way of learning and knowing, rather than merely as a way of reporting
(Please note: Writing tutors cannot help with content generation for an essay or project, nor can they edit a finished piece of work.)
If you have questions, contact Paula Sprague (
Sign-up document and Zoom link here:
Sign-up document and Zoom link here
Free grammar tutoring for SPAN 1060-2020 takes place every Monday from 1 to 2 pm via Zoom – no appointment necessary. Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 720 499 026 Passcode: 294117