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Join us for a Spanish Major Declaration Workshop on Wednesday, February 9th at 6:00.  You can join the meeting at:

 Students who want to declare a Spanish major should attend as well as those students who would like to learn more about the program.

Please download the Declaration of Major form and Major Requirements by Concentration & Course Grid prior to the workshop and familiarize yourself with them.

To declare a Spanish major, a student must have completed SPAN 3010 (Grammar & Composition I) or the equivalent, with a grade of C or better (C- is insufficient).*

*Unless you took this course Credit/No Credit due to COVID during Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, J-term 2021, or Spring 2021.

Spanish Faculty Advisors will be in attendance and review the highlights of declaring a Spanish major, answer questions from students, assign advisors, and sign major declaration forms.

Spanish Major Declaration Workshop Feb 2022