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Sergio Manuel Silva Ardila

PhD Candidate

New Cabell Hall 438

Office Hours: Wed 3:00-5:00pm & by appt


Ph.D., Spanish, University of Virginia (in progress)
M.A., Spanish, University of Virginia (2021)
B.A., Literary Studies, Universidad Nacional de Colombia (2017)

Research Interests

  • Early Modern Iberian Literature

  • Poetry and Poetics

  • Material Culture

  • Queer Studies

  • Contemporary Colombian Narrative


Afterlives in Stone. Religion, Race & Democracy Lab, University of Virginia (2021).

"Viernes Santo," La caída literary magazine (March 2018).

Review, "Cuesta Hernández, Luis Javier. Ut architectura poesis: Relaciones entre arquitectura y literatura en la Nueva España durante el siglo XVII". Literatura: teoría, historia, crítica 18, 2 (2016).


University of Virginia

SPAN 3020, Grammar and Composition II (Fall 2022, Spring 2023)
SPAN 2020, Advanced Intermediate Spanish (Summer 2022)
SPAN 3010, Grammar and Composition (Spring 2022)
SPAN 3300, Text and Interpretation (Fall 2021)
SPAN 2010, Intermediate Spanish (Fall 2020, Spring 2021, Summer 2021)


“Lectura es más laberinto (y no menos lisonja).” Presentation given at the panel Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry, University of Illinois, Chicago, September 2023.

“Sor Juana y la lectura lisonjera.” Presentation given at the Graduate Student Lecture Series, Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, University of Virginia, May 04, 2023.

“Hallowed Stones, Stones that Move: A Guaca in Seventeenth Century Nueva Granada.” Presentation given at the CGII Graduate Student Brown Bag Lunch, University of Virginia, April 12, 2023.

The Winter’s Tale: Narrators, Witnesses, and the Crafting of Compassion.” Presentation given at the panel Shakespeare and Empathy, Northeastern Modern Language Association, Niagara Falls, New York, March 2023.

“Speaking with This Flattering Portrait.” Presentation given at the panel Inhuman Voices: Writing and the Non-Human, Association of Comparative Literature of America, Chicago, March 2023.

La ceiba de la memoria: una re-escritura de la esclavitud en la Cartagena del siglo XVII por quienes han sido silenciados,” II Congress of Poscolonial Studies and III Sessions of Poscolonial Feminism “Genealogías críticas de la colonialidad,” CLACSO – UNSAM, Buenos Aires, December 2014.

Grants and Awards

Charles Gordon Reid Summer Travel Fellowship. Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, University of Virginia (Summer 2023)

Summer Language Fellowship. Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, University of Virginia (Summer 2023)

Graduate Global Research Grant. Center for Global Inquiry and Innovation, University of Virginia (Fall 2022)

Student Research Collaborator. Religion, Race & Democracy Lab, University of Virginia (Fall 2020–Spring 2021)