Germain Badang
New Cabell Hall 434
Office Hours: Wed 11:00-11:50am
I was born in Cameroon and have lived in several countries for the last 28 years. My journeys have enriched my understanding of cross-cultural experiences and have prepared me to deal with the challenges induced by our globalized world with critical and constructive regard. I have had the opportunity to study and live in Cameroon, Spain, Italy, France, Mexico, and the USA. I got my bachelor's degree in Spanish literature at Université de Yaoundé-Cameroon. I have several Masters in Spanish philology, Spanish phonology and sociolinguistics, and Second Language Acquisition, obtained from Universidad de Salamanca and The Ohio State University. I received a Ph.D. in Social Studies and Global Education from OSU. I am passionate about teaching and helping every student succeed. I like traveling, doing amateur theater, and cooking.
–My research interest includes Teachers' decision-making, knowledge, power, teachers' global competency, post-colonialism, and social/global discourse, and most recently, the challenges of distance learning in a language class.