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Erica Cobb

Lecturer in Spanish

New Cabell Hall 441
Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri 10:00-11:00am, 12:00-1:00pm, & by appt


Ph.D., Spanish, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

​M.A., Spanish, The Ohio University

​B.A., Spanish, Fine Arts, The Ohio University


I have lived, worked and/or studied in Australia, England, Belgium, France, Italy, Spain, Mexico and the United States.  I love being surrounded by history, walking in the footsteps of historical authors, and sharing that joy with my students, inspiring them to do the same through extensive reading across all genres and time periods as well as study abroad.  I specialise in poetry, theatre, prose and art of the Spanish Golden Age and am most interested in themes of identity, the way in which we define ourselves and present ourselves to the world around us and responsibility, both in terms of what we owe to each other and to the environment in which we live.  I teach all levels of language and literature, but most especially enjoy teaching poetry and translation.


Upcoming 2024 publications with Valparaíso:

Los árboles que nos quedan / The Trees We Have Left (Ramón Andrés, Trans. Erica Cobb) 

Acerca del olvido / On Oblivion and Other Poems (Miguel Ángel Galván, Trans. Erica Cobb)

Espuma inútil de los días / Useless Froth of Daydreams (Miguel Ángel Galván, Trans. Erica Cobb and Max Ritterband)
