Elizabeth Mirabal
New Cabell Hall 438
No office hours Spring 25
Ph.D. Spanish, University of Virginia (in progress)
M.A., Spanish, University of Virginia, 2024
Graduate Certificate in American Studies
Bachelor of Arts, University of Havana, Cuba: Journalism
Research Interests
Diaspora, Displacement, Exile and Life-Writing in Latin American and the Caribbean
19th- and 20st- Century Caribbean, Latin American and Latinx Literatures
Nostalgia and Homelessness
Affective Theory
Cuban Studies
Selected publications:
Juana Borrero, Poesía completa. (Selection and prologue.) Editorial Verbum, 2016.
Regreso de Ricardo Vigón. (Selection, prologue, and notes. Co-author with Carlos Velazco.) Editorial Oriente, 2015
La intimidad de la historia. (Selection.) Ediciones ICAIC, 2013.
Sobre los pasos del cronista. El quehacer intelectual de Guillermo Cabrera Infante en Cuba hasta 1965. (Co-author with Carlos Velazco.) Ediciones Unión, 2011.
Fiction and Poetry Books
Herbarium (Poetry). Ediciones Alacrán Azul, 2021.
La belleza de la inutilidad (Novel). Editorial Verbum, 2020.
La isla de las mujeres tristes (Novel). Editorial Verbum, 2014.
Academic Articles
“Conexiones imaginarias de La Habana esquiva (1968-2017).” Recial 14:23 (January-June 2023): 106-130.
“Miguel Hernández y Reinaldo Arenas o la historia de los poetas pastores que fueron presos.” Poéticas 15 (June 2022): 91-118.
“El simbólico siglo XIX en la literatura cubana posterior a 1959.” Cuban Studies 47 (March 2019): 57-68.
General public articles
“The Viscous Threads of a Permeable Web.” Beyond the Sugar Curtain (December 2016).
“Mapa dibujado por un espía. Guillermo Cabrera Infante.” Variopinto 27 (September 2014): 52-55.
“Algunas notas sobre Arístides Fernández.” Los pintores escriben. Ediciones Boloña, 2012, 109-123.
“VP vs. G. Caín.” República de las Letras 114 (October 2009): 160-169.
Book reviews
“Review of Adiós mi Habana.” About Anna Veltfort, Adiós mi Habana. Las memorias de una gringa y su tiempo en los años revolucionarios de la década de los 60 (Editorial Verbum, 2017). NACLA-Report on the Americas 50:1 (Spring, 2018): 101-102.
“Carpentier ante su diario.” About Alejo Carpentier, Diarios 1951-1957 (Editorial Letras Cubanas, 2013). Variopinto 20 (February 2014): 60-63.
Exhibition reviews
“Estrangement, Restlessness, and Rupture: Pablo Delano and the Rethinking of Puerto Rico” Intervenxions, The Latinx Project (New York: March, 2023)
Peer-Reviewed Interviews
- Mirabal, Elizabeth and Carlos Velazco. “Fernando Palenzuela: ‘Escrito para mi sombra y el olvido’.” Cuban Studies, 53 (2023):146-169.
Selected conference papers
“Nostalgia e intimidad: añoranza sentimental y discursos epistolares en el Caribe español del siglo XIX”. Panel “Género epistolar, diarios e intimidad.” 42nd annual International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Bogotá, June 14, 2024.
“José Antonio Aponte, lector del Quijote”, Panel “Derecho, Tecnociencia y Afrolatinoamericanismo”, LASA/Africa 2023 Congress: África y América Latina: Diálogos y Conexiones, Accra, November 18, 2023.
“‘Soy una nao de China’: la espiritualizada ruta transpacífica de Catarina de San Juan”, Panel “Mexican and Latinx Cultural Production”, 13th Conference on East-West Cross-Cultural Relations: Voyages between the West and the East, Travellers, and New Realities, Università degli Studi di Verona, June 15, 2023.
“Nostalgia and Intimacy: Sentimental Longing and Epistolary Discourses in the Nineteenth-Century Spanish Caribbean”, Panel “Borderlands of Caribbean Islands”, 27th Carolina Conference for Romance Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 25, 2023.
“Cuba-quo Vadis? Cuban Artist in Times of Change.” Academy Discussion. Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz, Berlin, October 5, 2015.
“Carlos Victoria: el regreso que se repite.” Panel “Exclusiones, exilios y regresos en la literatura cubana y su diáspora.” XXXIII International Congress of the Latin American Association (LASA), San Juan, May 29, 2015.
“Vivir y escribir en la isla de las mujeres tristes.” Cycle “Voces de América.” Faculty of Philology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, December 17, 2014.
Grants & Awards
Jefferson Scholars Foundation Graduate Fellowship, 2024-2025
Tibor Wlassics Dante Fellowship, 2024.
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) Summer Research Fellowship, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, University of Virginia, 2024.
Arts Fund, Student Council, University of Virginia, 2023.
Del Greco Annual Essay Prize, Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, University of Virginia, 2023.
Frederick W. Beinecke Fellowship, University of Yale, 2023.
Summer Research Fellowship, Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University of Virginia, 2023.
Dean’s Doctoral Fellowship, University of Virginia, 2022-Present.
Graduate Global Research Grant, Center for Global Inquiry + Innovation, University of Virginia, 2022.
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Research Grant, University of Virginia, 2022.
Verbum Spanish-American Novel Award, 2014.
Cuban Literary Critic’s Award, 2011.
“Enrique José Varona” Award for Artistic-Literary Essay by the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, 2009.
Golden Award for Academic Achievement, University of Havana, 2009.