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Elizabeth Mirabal

PhD Student

New Cabell Hall 438
Office Hours: Mon & Thurs 2:00-3:00pm 


Ph.D. Spanish, University of Virginia (in progress)

M.A., Spanish, University of Virginia, 2024

Graduate Certificate in American Studies

Bachelor of Arts, University of Havana, Cuba: Journalism

Research Interests

  • Diaspora, Displacement, Exile and Life-Writing in Latin American and the Caribbean

  • 19th- and 20st- Century Caribbean, Latin American and Latinx Literatures

  • Nostalgia and Homelessness

  • Affective Theory

  • Cuban Studies

Selected publications:


  • Juana Borrero, Poesía completa. (Selection and prologue.) Editorial Verbum, 2016.

  • Regreso de Ricardo Vigón. (Selection, prologue, and notes. Co-author with Carlos Velazco.) Editorial Oriente, 2015

  • La intimidad de la historia. (Selection.) Ediciones ICAIC, 2013.

  • Sobre los pasos del cronista. El quehacer intelectual de Guillermo Cabrera Infante en Cuba hasta 1965. (Co-author with Carlos Velazco.) Ediciones Unión, 2011.

   Fiction and Poetry Books

  • Herbarium (Poetry). Ediciones Alacrán Azul, 2021.

  • La belleza de la inutilidad (Novel). Editorial Verbum, 2020.

  • La isla de las mujeres tristes (Novel). Editorial Verbum, 2014.

Academic Articles

  • “Conexiones imaginarias de La Habana esquiva (1968-2017).” Recial 14:23 (January-June 2023): 106-130.

  • “Miguel Hernández y Reinaldo Arenas o la historia de los poetas pastores que fueron presos.” Poéticas 15 (June 2022): 91-118.

  • “El simbólico siglo XIX en la literatura cubana posterior a 1959.” Cuban Studies 47 (March 2019): 57-68.

General public articles

  • “The Viscous Threads of a Permeable Web.” Beyond the Sugar Curtain (December 2016).

  • Mapa dibujado por un espía. Guillermo Cabrera Infante.” Variopinto 27 (September 2014): 52-55.

  • “Algunas notas sobre Arístides Fernández.” Los pintores escriben. Ediciones Boloña, 2012, 109-123.

  • “VP vs. G. Caín.” República de las Letras 114 (October 2009): 160-169.

Book reviews

  • “Review of Adiós mi Habana.” About Anna Veltfort, Adiós mi Habana. Las memorias de una gringa y su tiempo en los años revolucionarios de la década de los 60 (Editorial Verbum, 2017). NACLA-Report on the Americas 50:1 (Spring, 2018): 101-102.

  • “Carpentier ante su diario.” About Alejo Carpentier, Diarios 1951-1957 (Editorial Letras Cubanas, 2013). Variopinto 20 (February 2014): 60-63.

Exhibition reviews

  • “Estrangement, Restlessness, and Rupture: Pablo Delano and the Rethinking of Puerto Rico” Intervenxions, The Latinx Project (New York: March, 2023)

Selected conference papers

  • “Nostalgia e intimidad: añoranza sentimental y discursos epistolares en el Caribe español del siglo XIX”. Panel “Género epistolar, diarios e intimidad.” 42nd annual International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Bogotá, June 14, 2024.

  • “José Antonio Aponte, lector del Quijote”, Panel “Derecho, Tecnociencia y Afrolatinoamericanismo”, LASA/Africa 2023 Congress: África y América Latina: Diálogos y Conexiones, Accra, November 18, 2023. 

  • “‘Soy una nao de China’: la espiritualizada ruta transpacífica de Catarina de San Juan”, Panel “Mexican and Latinx Cultural Production”, 13th Conference on East-West Cross-Cultural Relations: Voyages between the West and the East, Travellers, and New Realities, Università degli Studi di Verona, June 15, 2023.

  • “Nostalgia and Intimacy: Sentimental Longing and Epistolary Discourses in the Nineteenth-Century Spanish Caribbean”, Panel “Borderlands of Caribbean Islands”, 27th Carolina Conference for Romance Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 25, 2023.

  • “Cuba-quo Vadis? Cuban Artist in Times of Change.” Academy Discussion. Akademie der Künste, Pariser Platz, Berlin, October 5, 2015.

  • “Carlos Victoria: el regreso que se repite.” Panel “Exclusiones, exilios y regresos en la literatura cubana y su diáspora.” XXXIII International Congress of the Latin American Association (LASA), San Juan, May 29, 2015.

  • “Vivir y escribir en la isla de las mujeres tristes.” Cycle “Voces de América.” Faculty of Philology, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, December 17, 2014.

Grants & Awards

  • Tibor Wlassics Dante Fellowship, 2024.

  • Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) Summer Research Fellowship, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, University of Virginia, 2024.

  • Arts Fund, Student Council, University of Virginia, 2023.

  • Del Greco Annual Essay Prize for “Aventura de las hormigas de Esteban Borrero: una apasionada inmersión multiespecies,” Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, University of Virginia, 2023.

  • Frederick W. Beinecke Fellowship, University of Yale, 2023. 

  • Summer Research Fellowship, Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University of Virginia, 2023.

  • Dean’s Doctoral Fellowship, University of Virginia, 2022-Present.

  • Graduate Global Research Grant, Center for Global Inquiry + Innovation, University of Virginia, 2022.

  • Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Research Grant, University of Virginia, 2022.

  • Verbum Spanish-American Novel Award, 2014.

  • Cuban Literary Critic’s Award, 2011.

  • “Enrique José Varona” Award for Artistic-Literary Essay by the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, 2009.

  • Golden Award for Academic Achievement, University of Havana, 2009.