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Carlos Velazco Fernández

PhD Candidate

New Cabell Hall 442
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 2:00-3:00pm or via Zoom by appt


Ph.D. Spanish, University of Virginia (in progress)

M.A., Spanish, University of Virginia

B.A. Journalism, University of Havana

Research Interests

Literary and Cultural Studies of 20th Century Caribbean and Latin America; Caribbean and Latin American Migrations, Displacements, and Diasporas; Latinx Studies; Cuban Archive

Selected publications


Leonardo Jaime Soriano, Cuba no existe. (Selection, prologue, and notes.) Editorial Silueta, 2018.

Desnudo de una actriz. Ingrid González: la viuda de Reinaldo Arenas. Editorial Hypermedia, 2016.

René Jordán, La angustia del sábado. (Selection and prologue.) Editorial Silueta, 2015.

Hablar de Guillermo Rosales. (Co-author with Elizabeth Mirabal.) Editorial Silueta, 2013.

Buscando a Caín. (Co-author with Elizabeth Mirabal.) Ediciones ICAIC, 2012.


“Reinaldo Arenas, viral.” In Reinaldo Arenas. La escritura como destino. Edited by Rita Molinero and Yolanda Izquierdo. Isla Negra Editores, 2021, 95-102.

“Cinco recuerdos del porvenir.” Cuban Studies 47, March 2019: 69-79.

“Invitación a Carlos Victoria.” Revista Surco Sur 9, 2016: 44-45.

“Esteban Luis Cárdenas, patakí.” Unión 78, 2013: 86-89.

“Viaje al final del Lunes.” In Lunes de Revolución 1959-1961 [Digital edition]. Biblioteca Nacional José Martí, 2012

Selected presentations

“Masters of Lydia Cabrera,” Panel “Colonialidad/Decolonialidad y Raza,” LASA/Africa 2023 Congress: África y América Latina: Diálogos y Conexiones, Accra, November 15, 2023

“Una obra compartida: la itinerante casa cuir de Lydia Cabrera y María Teresa de Rojas,” Panel “Queering Space and Time Across Geographies,” El Monte: Narratives, Aesthetics, and Afrodiasporic Spirituality in the Contemporary Caribbean, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, November 10, 2023.

“‘Todo lo que es santo sirve’: La sociedad Abakuá y la mujer cubana en el cine de Sara Gómez,” Second International Conference of Hispanic Women Filmmakers, Clark University, Worcester, October 20, 2023.

“Lydia Cabrera’s Stories: Pioneering Caribbean Science Sci-Fi and Fantasy from Another Small Place,” Panel “Cultural Creatives/Sacred Traditions,” 47th Caribbean Studies Association Annual Conference, University of the Virgin Islands, Saint Croix, June 7, 2023.

“Lydia Cabrera y el itinerario afrocubano del espacio colonial”, Panel “Cuba: From the Afro-Colonial Imaginary to the Special Period to the Moon,” The Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexington, April 23, 2022.

“Reescrituras y apropiaciones del Lazarillo de Tormes por Reinaldo Arenas”, Panel “Caos, violencia y muerte en España y América Latina”, Eleventh Romance Language and Literatures Graduate Conference, University at Buffalo, April 9, 2022.

“Los Orichas en la Otra Cuba, según Lydia Cabrera”, Panel “Literatura, religión y política en Cuba,” Thirteenth Conference on Cuban and Cuban-American Studies, Florida International University, February 3, 2022.

“El intelectual cubano y el debate social,” Panel “The Place of Culture: Canon, Counter-Canon, and the Politics of Memory,” Cuban Transitions: What’s Left Out?, Brown University, May 6, 2016.

“Si nos llamáramos Guillermo Rosales (una obra frente a la intemperie insular),” Panel “Exclusiones, exilios y regresos en la literatura cubana y su diáspora,” XXXIII International Congress of the Latin American Association (LASA), San Juan, May 29, 2015.

Grants & Awards

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Council Research Grant, University of Virginia, Fall 2023

Summer Language Fellowship, Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, University of Virginia, 2023

Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Summer Research Fellowship, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs, University of Virginia, 2023

Summer Research Fellowship, Department of Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, University of Virginia, 2023

Americas Center/Centro de las Américas Research Grant, University of Virginia, 2022

Goizueta Graduate Pre-Prospectus Fellowship, Cuban Heritage Collection, University of Miami, 2022-2023

Professional Development Award, Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs-Diversity Programs, University of Virginia, 2022

Graduate Global Research Grant, Center for Global Inquiry + Innovation, University of Virginia, 2022

Charles Gordon Reid Fellowship, Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, University of Virginia, 2022

Public Humanities Fellowship in South Atlantic Studies, University of Virginia, 2022

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Research Grant, University of Virginia, 2021-present

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Fellowship in Caribbean Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, University of Virginia, 2021-present