Ana Píriz Moguel
Assistant Professor of Spanish, General Faculty
New Cabell Hall 466
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 11:00am-12:00pm & by appt
Ph.D., Spanish, University of Virginia, 2024
M.A., Spanish as a Second Language, Universidad de Extremadura (2017)
B.A., Spanish Philology, Universidad de Extremadura (2016)
Research Interests
- Romanticism
- Material Culture
- Galdós
- Spanish evolution
- History of the Spanish Language
- Modern Latin American literature and culture
- Pedagogy
SPAN 2010 - Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 2020 - Advanced Intermediate Spanish
SPAN 3010 - Grammar and Composition,
SPAN 3300 - Texts and Interpretation,
Costa Rica Program, 2019
SLI - Summer language institute Spanish
- “La mecanización social: el progreso femenino interpretado a través del uso de la máquina de coser” III Simposio de la asociación internacional de Galdosistas, Waco, November 2024.
- “La máquina de coser y su identidad cultural a través de la novela La Desheredada de Galdós” 77 th Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, U of Kentucky, April 2024.
- “Entre lo tangible y lo intangible: Explorando la importancia de los objetos cotidianos en la novela Tormento de Galdós” Carolina Conference on Romance Literatures, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, April 2024.
- “The Fascinating Legacy of the Manila shawl: Its Impact on 19th-Century Spanish Literature and Culture” 73rd MIFLC, Shenandoah University, Virginia, October 2023.
- “Un paseo por España, conoce la Universidad de Extremadura” Go Global Event, East Central University, Oklahoma, October 2018
- “La enseñanza en ELE”, Oklahoma Foreign Language Teachers Association, East Central University, Oklahoma, September 2018.
Grants & Awards
Erasmus Programme, Universitá degli Studi di Milano, Italy, 2014
Time Period
Office Address/Hours
NCH 466