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Minoring in Spanish

Please note: Per university policy, "The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. The Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record represent the official repository for academic program requirements. These publications may be found at"

Students must apply to the Spanish Minor.  If you are interested in applying in the spring, email Linda Newman at, and she will add your name to a list. 4th year students must have declarations completed by February 1. The Spanish Minor Workshop will be held January 29 at 5:30 in Minor 125.

Please keep the following in mind

1. You must have a declared major before declaring a minor.

2. You may NOT declare a Spanish major and a Spanish minor.

3. Credits applied toward the Spanish minor may NOT also count toward completion of a major.

4. Courses taken on a CR/NC basis may not be included in the minor program.

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Minor in Spanish

A minor in Spanish consists of 18 credits of Spanish study at the 3000 level or above.

Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 or equivalent with grade of C or better (SPAN 2020 as the prerequisite is effective 2024 Spring semester and forward).

1. SPAN 3010, Finding Your Voice in Spanish

2.  SPAN 3300, Texts and Interpretation

3.  One survey course (SPAN 3400-3430)

4.  One 3000-level elective

  • A 3000-level language course can be taken simultaneously with SPAN 3010 but not before (such as SPAN 3000, SPAN 3200, SPAN 3020*, SPAN 3040, SPAN 3050, SPAN 3060 or SPAN 3070)
  • An additional survey (3400-3430) may only be taken after 3300 is completed, but can be taken simultaneously with the survey taken to satisfy requirement (3)

5.  A 4000-level elective

6.  A 4000-level elective

7.  A 4000-level elective (if the student places out of SPAN 3010)

Students may count up to three (3) credits for a summer program, six (6) credits for a semester, or nine (9) credits for a year of study abroad toward their Spanish minor. These restrictions do not apply to coursework done in UVA’s Hispanic Studies Program in Valencia. Since those courses earn UVA credit, they are considered interchangeable with courses taken in Charlottesville.

* if the student has placed out of SPAN 3010, SPAN 3020 can count as a 3000 elective

Worksheets for the application process.

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Minor in Business Spanish

Please note: Per university policy, "The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only. The Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record represent the official repository for academic program requirements. These publications may be found at"

The department, in conjunction with UVA Hispanic Studies in Valencia, Spain, offers a Minor in Business Spanish consisting of six (6) courses in addition to an internship or attendance at business symposia in Valencia. Please note that three of the courses (two of which are required), as well as the internships and symposia, are only offered in Valencia.

Please keep the following in mind: 

1. You must have a declared major before declaring a minor.

2. You may NOT declare a Spanish major and a Business Spanish minor.

3. Credits applied toward the Business Spanish minor may NOT also count toward completion of a major.

4. Courses taken on a CR/NC basis may not be included in the minor program.

After reviewing the requirements on this page, you will need to contact Linda Newman at to begin the process. This should be done at the beginning of the course of minor study.

Requirements for the Business Spanish Minor

Prerequisite: SPAN 2020 Advanced Intermediate Spanish or equivalent (Student MUST have a C or better before declaring the Business Spanish Minor; SPAN 2020 as the prerequisite is effective 2024 Spring semester and forward).

1. SPAN 3010 – Finding your Voice in Spanish (UVA and Valencia) 

2. SPAN 3300 - Texts and Interpretation (if the student places out of SPAN 3010, UVA and Valencia)

3. SPAN 3040 - Business Spanish (UVA and Valencia)

4. SPAN 4040 - Translation (UVA and Valencia)

5. One of the following:

a. SPAN 4710 - Latin American Culture and Civilization (UVA and Valencia)  or

b. SPAN 4700 - Spanish Culture and Civilization (UVA and Valencia)

6. Two of the following (Note: SPAN 3040 is the prerequisite for any course below):             

a. SPAN 4705 - Spanish Mass Media (Valencia)                                        

b. SPAN 4713 - Economy of the European Union (Valencia)*

c. SPAN 4050 - Economy of Latin America (Valencia)

*This class includes business field trips

Worksheets for the application process.