Spanish Major Workshop
Wednesday, September 15 at 6:30 pm
Monroe Hall Room 110
Students who want to declare a Spanish major should attend.
Please download the Declaration of Major form and Major Requirements by Concentration & Course Grid prior to the workshop and familiarize yourself with them. You will need to bring your laptop.
To declare a Spanish major, a student must have completed SPAN 3010 (Grammar & Composition I) or the equivalent, with a grade of C or better (C- is insufficient).*
*Unless you took this course Credit/No Credit due to COVID during Spring 2020, Summer 2020, Fall 2020, J-term 2021, or Spring 2021.
Spanish Faculty Advisors will be in attendance and review the highlights of declaring a Spanish major, answer questions from students, assign advisors, and sign major declaration forms. All students are welcome to attend to get more information about the Spanish program.
Email Linda Newman at for questions.