Two Fall-themed community events this month
Greetings and happy Autumn! Here area couple of community events happening in Charlottesville during the month of October that may be of interest to students studying Spanish.
1) Garden and Harvest Festival at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church on Sunday October, 17th at 3:30. This event will be a fundraiser to support sanctuary work with María Chavalán Sut. (See attached poster in English)
2) Volunteers needed to help organize the Día de los muertos festival, held at the Mcguffey Art Center, 201 2nd St NW, Charlottesville, VA 22902.
EN: SET UP DATE: Friday the 29th of October. The celebration will be held outside on Mcguffey art centers front lawn on October 31st starting at 4pm. Dismantling of the altar will be Thursday, October 4th.
SP: La fecha de instalación es: viernes 29 de octubre. La celebración se llevará a cabo al aire libre en el jardín delantero del centro de arte Mcguffey el 31 de octubre empezando a las 4 pm. El desmayo del altar será el jueves 4 de octubre.
In previous years, some our UVa students have had a great time volunteering for this community event. Two years ago, Zachary Anderson, one of our students, wrote this thoughtful and moving article on his experience with the festival for the Cavalier Daily.
Here is the event information from the organizer, Estela Knot (Lua Project):
- Dia de los muertos plan for 2021: Please Click the link below for dates and details. gracias friends, espero que pueden participar.
- Español: El día de los muertos está a la vuelta de la esquina y espero que todos podamos unirnos para crear el altar, interpretar una pieza (bailar, cantar un canción, un poema, una obra de artista) o incluso simplemente para celebrar con nosotros. Todo es posible. Este será nuestro décimo año !!! ¿Puedes creerlo? He preparado un breve formulario de Google para que lo llene y sepamos cuántas personas podrán participar. Toda esta información nos ayuda a planear y crear los flyers y empezar a publicarlo pronto. Unámonos y creemos algo hermoso para nuestro décimo año. no tiene por qué consumir mucho tiempo. Puede ser algo en lo que trabajes desde casa o algo que realices el día. todo es posible. Espero escuchar de usted.
- English: the day of the dead is just around the corner and I hope that we can all come together to create the altar, perform a piece (song, a poem, a piece of artist work) or even just to celebrate with us. This will be our 10th year !!! Can you believe it? I have prepared a short Google form for you to fill out so that we can know how many people will be able to participate. This information will help us in our planning and in creating what we will publicize, which we really need to start working on soon. Let's come together and create something beautiful for our 10th year. it doesn't have to take up too much of your time. It can be something you work on from home or something that you perform the day of. anything is possible. I look forward to hearing from you.
- Link to form: