Congratulations Mauricio!
Congratulations to Mauricio Acuña, SIP's first Rising Scholar postdoctoral fellow, who has recently published an article in the Luso-Brazilian Review and curated a visual exhibition with Jill Baron at Dartmouth Library about the 50th anniversary of the Chilean Coup d'état: "Chile 1973-2023: Between the Pinochet Machine and Thousands of Imagined Nations". Mauricio, now at Dartmouth College, worked on his article, "Léopold Senghor and the Poetics of a Luso-Afro-Atlantic World," during his fellowship at UVA, in collaboration with faculty and students in his course on contemporary Afro-Latin Cultures of the Américas. To read Mauricio's work, please click here: In addition to the exhibition Mauricio helped to curate, there will be two lectures and a tertulia honoring Victor Jara, singer and poet murdered in the first days of the coup. Mauricio also wrote a short essay (in Portuguese) as a companion to the exhibit; "Chile 1973-2023: entre a catástrofe da utopia e a duração da resistência."