La Vendemmia di Dicembre 2017
Click here to read the latest issue of La Vendemmia, the magazine of Italian studies at UVa!
Below, Prof. Enrico Cesaretti introduces the issue:
Cari lettori e care lettrici,
As another semester draws to a close, everyone is busily finishing their final assignments, finalizing travel plans, and preparing for the holidays. However, we in the Italian Studies Program are celebrating early because this fall has been an exciting one for us.
In September, we happily partnered with our colleagues in the Spanish and Portuguese programs to produce the first ever SIP Film Festival. We also hosted our annual apericena to welcome new students to the fun and exciting world of Italian Studies.
November was an even busier month that featured two guest speakers: filmmaker Pif, and documentarian Fred Kuwornu. Both artists screened their movies for our students and then took questions after. Meanwhile, in November, the Italian Honor Society also welcomed several new members.
If you would like to know more about these, and all the other goings-on in our program, take a break, make yourself a coffee, and curl up with this new issue of La Vendemmia.
–Enrico Cesaretti, Director, Undergraduate Program in Italian