IWL Speaker Series on Languages for Specfic Purpose Presents a talk with Dr. Lourdes Sánchez-López
January 30 at 1:30pm NCH 162
We are happy to announce that the IWL Language for Specific Purposes Group (of which Alicia López-Operé, Paula Sprague and myself are members) in conjunction with the IWL Speaker Series has organized the visit and talk of Dr. Lourdes Sánchez-López (University of Alabama at Birmingham), a recognized scholar on this field and the Director of the Spanish for Specific Purposes Certificate program at her institution.
If you would like to learn more about LSP studies, pedagogy, and curriculum design, on Wednesday, January 30th there will be two possibilities to interact with Dr. Sánchez-López:
Ø She will hold and pen meeting with faculty and graduate students from 1:30PM to 2:15P at NCH-162.
Ø In her talk, entitled "Languages for Specific Purposes: Curriculum Development and Program Design in the 21st Century”, Dr. Sánchez-López will present an overview of the evolution of Language for Specific Purposes (LSP) studies in American higher education including its future directions. She will also speak on the sequential development of the various LSP programs established at the University of Alabama at Birmingham in the last two decades. 3:30pm to 5:00pm at New Cabell 349 (French Conference Room)
We hope to see you there!