Fall 24 Maya K'iche' Courses
KICH 1010 Introduction to K'iche' Maya I and KICH 2010 Intermediate Maya K'iche' II are being offered this fall!
K'iche' is one of the most common indigenous languages in Latin America, spoken by one million Maya in the western Highlands of Guatemala, the heartland of Maya culture.
In this class, students learn to speak modern K'iche' and study the language in its cultural and historical contexts. K'iche' is the language of the Popol Wuj, the sacred book of the Maya.
This class might also appeal to students interested in issues related to immigration, language planning and politics in a globalized world, language diversity, and linguisitic human rights.
This course is made possible by the Duke-UVA-Vanderbilt Partnership for Less Commonly Taught Languages.
KICH 1010
Introduction to K'iche' Maya I
TU/TH 4:00-5:15pm
KICH 2010
Intermediate Maya K'iche' II
TU/TH 2:00-3:15pm
K'iche' is taught on the synchronous platform zoom by Vanderbilt instructor Mareike Sattler. For further questions contact her at: mareike.sattler@vanderbilt.edu or contact Professor Allison Bigelow (UVA) at amb8fk@virginia.edu