Dantedì: a day with Dante

In celeration of 700th anniverary of Dante Alighiere; Deborah Parker, U. of Virginia and Dennis Looney, Modern Language Association will give a talk on March 25 at 4:30  “Dantedì: a day with Dante” to explore how his work was receieved worldwide.


For more informaition this event please visit; https://iicwashington.esteri.it/iic_washington/en/gli_eventi/calendario/...


For mor informaon on the Celeration of 700th anniverary of Dante Alighiere please visit; https://ambwashingtondc.esteri.it/ambasciata_washington/en/sala-stampa/d...

Academic Year: 
Event Date: 
Thursday, March 25, 2021 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM