Aj Xol Héctor Rolando, "Significados de 'tiempo' en el Popol Wuj"

Please join us on Nov. 12 at 6 pm (EST/5 pm in Guatemala) on Zoom for a talk by artist-scholar Aj Xol Héctor Rolando (Maya Q’eqchi’) on “Significados de ‘tiempo’ en el Popol Wuj.” This talk, held in Spanish, draws from recent collaborative research with the Fundación Proyecto Lingüístico Francisco Marroquín (Guatemala) and Multepal Project (University of Virginia, USA). We thank the Mellon Indigenous Arts Initiative at the University of Virginia for sponsoring it.

Professor Rolando is an expert in Mayan languages, linguistics, and sociolinguistics, as well as Maya poetics, history, and culture. He is the author of Mayer maya’ nawom b’aanuhom (Cosmocimientos y practices mayas antiguas) and Winaq: kynaab’il, kyna’b’il qxe’chil (Winaq: fundamentos del pensamiento maya), co-authored with Ajb’ee Jiménez, as well as academic studies of Mayan languages and a book of poetry, B’ich Q’eqchi’ (Canto Q’eqchi’), in which he channels some of the ancient stories and lessons of the Popol Wuj into contemporary reflections on history, memory, and the nature of wisdom itself.

Registration has now closed. If you'd still like to attend, please email Allison Bigelow at amb8fk at virginia dot edu for the Zoom link.

This talk will be recorded with the speaker's permission and posted to the department website for people who cannot attend on Nov. 12.

Academic Year: 
Event Photo: 
Significados de 'tiempo' en el Popol Wuj: Aj Xol Héctor Rolando, Universidad de Virginia
Event Date: 
Thursday, November 12, 2020 6:00 PM