Patricio Arriagada Soto

PhD Student
New Cabell Hall 462
Office Hours:
Tues 11:00am-12:00pm & Thurs 1:00-2:00pm



Ph.D. Spanish, University of Virginia (in progress).

M.A. Spanish, University of Wyoming.

B.A. Spanish Language and Literature, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. 

Research Interests

I am interested in researching Chilean poetry of the 20th century, contemporary Chilean sociocultural and historical narratives, and aesthetic criticisms of contemporary thought and culture. Furthermore, I am very interested in discourse analysis, especially in the area of textual linguistics. I have collaborated in research related to automatic text processing, especially creating taxonomies that facilitate the recognition and classification of named entities.

Research Assistant in Computational Linguistics

Master of Arts Thesis Work: 

  • "Multisemiotic Artifacts, Rupturism, and Counterculture: Cultural Archive from Parrian Antipoetry to Vaporwave." University of Wyoming, May of 2021. 

Bachelor of Arts Thesis Works: 

  • "Retrocapitalism: Multisemiotic proposal for a literary-aesthetic analysis of Chilean post-capitalist society through the corpus "Odio a Puente Alto" (José Ángel Cuevas), Mano de obra & Sumar (Diamela Eltit)." Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, December of 2018.        
  • "Analysis and classification of proper nouns in geopolitical articles extracted from Le Monde Diplomatique's magazine: an approach from the text grammar." Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, December of 2015. 


Co-Published: Nazar, R.; Arriagada, P. (2017). “POL: un nuevo sistema para la detección y clasificación de nombres propios.” Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, n. 58, pp. 13-20.

Review: Arriagada Soto, Patricio. “Review of ‘Tras las huellas de Pablo Neruda: Un homenaje a Hernán Loyola,’ by Greg Dawes, editor.” Hispania, vol. 6, Fall 2021, Submitted.

Review: Arriagada Soto, Patricio. "Review of 'Vidas. Deep in Mexico and Spain,' by Edward Stanton, author." Hispania, vol. 7, Spring 2021, Submitted.

Conference Presentations

Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association | University of Texas, El Paso | October 2019

     Presentation: "Monitoring of New Drug Names Based on the Detection of Contextual Elements in Spanish"

Institute of Literature and Science of Language | PUCV, Viña del Mar | December 2018

     Poster Presentation: “Clasificación Automática de Tipos de Entidad Mediante Relaciones de Hiperonimia y Elementos Cotextuales”

Automatized Processing of Texts and Corpora Workshop | PUCV, Viña del Mar | November 2016

     Poster Presentation: “Clasificación automática de Nombres Propios Utilizando Pistas Cotextuales”


I Taught Spanish classes at the University of Wyoming for Spanish minors and majors. Courses included 1010, 1020, 2030, and 2040 students' first and second years at UW.

Honors & Awards

Scholarship Recipient | Dean's Graduate Scholars by the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Wyoming. September 2019

Honorary Member | Sigma Delta Pi (National Hispanic Honorary Society). October 2019 – Present

     UW Chapter

Alumni member | Fundación para el Progreso, a subsidiary of Atlas Network  

Professional Affiliations

Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA)

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)

Memory Studies Association (MSA)