Spanish Fall 2016 Graduate Courses

SPAN 5650 – Realism and Generation of 1898 with Randolph Pope 

W 6:30-9:00PM in New CAB 068

In the first part of the course we will study what is realism, reading works by Alarcón, Fernán Caballero, Valera, Galdós, and Clarín. In the second part, we will study works by Baroja, Valler-Inclán, Azorín, and Unamuno. Two brief essays and final exam.

SPAN 5820 – Spanish America: From Romanticism to Modernism  with Fernando Operé 

Tu 3:30-6:00PM in Shannon House 109

This is a core course that studies the main literary currents in Latin America from the days of the Independence in the 19th century up to the beginning of the 20th century with the arrival of modernism, and the professionalization of writing. The first writers of the Independence were intellectuals concerned not only with the task of building nations but also with the construction of cultural identities. These preoccupations absorbed their interests and inspired their writings. This course will deal with the ideological origins of these productions and how these works can fit into the major literary tendencies in other parts of the world. In other words, we will discuss the dependence and independence of Latin American literature during the period. The authors to be studied are: Esteban Echeverría "La cautiva" y El matadero, Domingo Sarmiento Facundo, civilización y barbarie, José Hernández Martín Fierro, Ricardo Palma Tradiciones peruanas, Mariano Azuela Los de abajo,Jorge Isaac María ; and the poetry de José Martí and Rubén Darío, as well as theory on Romanticism, and Modernism

SPAN 7220 – History of the Language  with Joel Rini 

TuTh 2:00-3:15PM in New CAB 056

Please direct inquiries to the instructor.

SPAN 7710 – Literature and the Civil War  with Andrew Anderson 

M 3:30-6:00PM  in New CAB 594

In this seminar, we will be looking at a number of artistic treatments of a variety of different aspects of the Spanish Civil War, in novels, plays, and films.  While we will certainly address the historical events depicted, we will primarily be concerned with different story-telling strategies and perspectives adopted by the writers and film-makers.  We will be examining some texts of which a film adaptation was later made, analyzing and comparing both versions, but we will also examine a few films independently (whether or not they are adaptions of literary texts), and likewise we will read a few texts independently (whether or not they have corresponding film versions).  The films and literary works under scrutiny date from the 1980s to the late 2000s.

SPAN 7850 – Themes and Genres  with David Gies 

TuTh 3:30-6:00PM  in New CAB 115

This course will look at nineteenth-century Spanish theatre, with an emphasis on the Romantic movement and the plays and types of plays (the comedia de magia, for example) which led up to the creation of Don Juan Tenorio (1844).  We will then study works which were subsequently influenced by Zorrilla’s masterpiece or which recall elements of that play.  The plays to be studied include:  La pata de cabra (Grimaldi, 1829), El diablo verde (anonymous, 1830), Don Alvaro o la fuerza del sino (Rivas, 1835), Carlos II el Hechizado (Gil, 1837), El desengaño en un sueño (Rivas, 1842), Don Juan Tenorio (Zorrilla, 1844), Españoles sobre todo (Asquerino, 1844), El hombre de mundo (Vega, 1845), Cosas de don Juan (Bretón, 1854), El nuevo don Juan (López de Ayala, 1863), Un Tenorio moderno (Nogués, 1864), El anillo del diablo  (Zumel, 1871), and Doña Juana Tenorio (Liern, 1876).

SPAN 8210 – Teaching Foreign Languages  with Emily Scida 

TuTh 11:00-12:15PM in CAB 115

This course provides graduate students teaching foreign languages at UVA with the opportunity to observe and apply new ideas and teaching principles through practical activities and to develop their own personal theories of teaching through systematic reflection and experimentation.

SPAN 8560 – Seminars: Spanish America:  Modern Period "Latin American Women Writers"  with María-Inés Lagos

W 3:30-6:00PM in New CAB 283

In this seminar we will study how women writers have represented subjectivity in texts from the early decades of the 20th century to the present. We will focus on a selective group of authors from different periods: 1) Victoria Ocampo (speeches, autobiography), Gabriela Mistral and Alfonsina Storni; 2) Rosario Castellanos (poems, a short story, and her novel Balún-Canán); 3) Narratives by Rosario Ferré, Luisa Valenzuela and Diamela Eltit; 4) authors of the younger generations (Andrea Jeftanovic, Alejandra Costamagna). In addition to the primary texts we will read essays on gender theory and discuss films by women directors or that focus on pertinent themes. Class participation, oral presentations, research paper.

Graduate Courses